Wayanad: The police have registered a case under Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act in the incident of Maoist attack at Kambamala against the elite police commando unit ‘Kerala Thunderbolts’. According to the FIR, the Maoists had fired the first shot against the security forces. Combing operations are still undergoing in the area.
The attack between the communist terror organization and Thunderbolts commandos took place yesterday. The skirmish occurred while the security forces were searching the area following a tip-off of the presence of Maoists in the region. Around nine rounds were fired at Kambamala. The Thunderbolts commandos is said to have retaliated after the Maoists fired the first shot.
On 24th April, the closing day of the Lok Sabha election campaign in the state, two Maoists had reached the area with the call to boycott the elections. They engaged in a verbal dispute with the residents before retiring to the forests.