Vijayapura: Efforts are on to rescue a two-year-old child that fell into a borewell in Lachayan village on Wednesday. Victim child identified as Satwik Mujagond. He fell into the borewell when he went out to play near his house.
Officers of various departments rushed to the village and launched efforts to rescue him. They have dropped pipes to supply oxygen to the child.
The child is estimated to have fallen, head first, to a depth of around 20 ft. It is stuck mid-way.
In the morning on Wednesday, officers lowered a motor to draw water from the well. But the hole remained uncovered. And, the child fell into the pipe in the evening.
Someone who heard the child cry informed the family. Officers of the taluk panchayat, police, Fire and Emergency Services and revenue are camping on the spot. Minister M.B. Patil reviewed the rescue efforts, officers said.