Monday, September 16, 2024

A strange baby born with 4 hands, 4 legs, 2 hearts and 1 head..!

Bihar: A woman gave birth to a strange baby with 4 arms, 4 legs and 1 head at a private hospital in Saran district of BiharState. After this, infant became the subject of people’s curiosity. The woman gave birth to a baby girl late last night. However, this strange baby died shortly after birth. The case relates to a nursing home at Shyam Chak in Chapra city.

Here the woman Priya Devi gave birth to a strange baby. As soon as the information about the child was received by the staff and patients present at the hospital, it became a topic of discussion among the people. A child has one head, four ears, four legs, four arms, two hearts and two spinal cords. It is said that even the hospital staff were shocked after the birth of the child.

Dr. Anil Kumar, director of the hospital, said that infant was taken out after the woman’s operation, at which time the girl was alive. It died about 20 minutes later. This is seen in very few people. It happens when two babies are formed from the same egg in the uterus. In this process, twins are born if the two children are separated in time. If for some reason the two cannot separate, such children are born. A woman giving birth has to face many problems during the birth of such children.

“The baby was born through an operation. The baby died 20 minutes after birth. He said that this is the first child of the victim woman. He was worried about the birth of a child after the expiry of the term. After examination, surgery was advised. Woman giving birth to the baby is healthy and is undergoing treatment under the supervision of doctors” Dr. Anil Kumar added.

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